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    考研英语应用文写作:便 笺
考研英语应用文写作:便 笺
责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-11-7 23:11:14

便 笺


23Suppose you have received a short notice that you are invited to a meeting in another city. Since you do not have time to tell your roommate about it in person, write a note in about 100 words to him/her. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Betty,
I have received a short notice and am going to attend a meeting in Suzhou. As time is very limited, I have to take a train immediately and cannot explain it to you in person. I am returning on Friday evening.
So Im sorry that I have to leave without informing you beforehand and cannot go swimming with you tomorrow as I promised. I hope you will take good care of yourself when I am away. Dont forget to close the window and check the lock before you go to sleep. I know you like silk very much and will bring you a silk scarf when I am back.
Li Ming

便 笺

Suppose your mother has come to see you and tonight you will sleep  in the room she has booked in a hotel near your university. Write a note in about 100 words to inform your roommate Linda of that. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,
using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Linda,
  I am afraid that I wont be in our dormitory tonight because my mother has come here to see me and I plan to sleep in the room she has booked in a nearby hotel. I had wanted to tell you that in person but you are not back yet. So I have to leave this note for you.
  My mother has brought me several bags of beef jerky that are a special product of my hometown. Ive left two of them on your desk. Help yourself and I hope youll enjoy them.
 Besides I have asked our teacher for a days leave. So I wont be present in tomorrows class. Would you do me a favor by handing in my history assignment to the teacher? It is on your desk beneath the beef jerky. Thanks.
  Take care of yourself.
Li Ming

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