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责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-11-7 23:11:46

I. CLOZE (30 points)

Fill in each of the blanks below with a word provided in the brackets. You may change the words into their proper forms if needed so that the words you put in will be grammatically and semantically appropriate. You can Only use the words in the brackets ONCE. Write your answers oh your Answer Sheet.

(cherish reach receive rub beam curious history overcome extend

kinship break intimate origin enthusiastic barbaric insulting eyes ceremony

executeunwashed pertinent sanity substitute relief worse partake custom advertisement alternative spring)

At the White House on New Year's Day, 1907, Theodore Roosevelt set a world record for shaking hands—8,150 of them, according to his biographer Edmund Morris, including those of "every aide, usher and policeman in sight." Having done his exuberant political duty, says Morris, Teddy went upstairs and privately, disgustedly, scrubbed himself clean.

We may presume that on Inauguration Day in January 2001, President Trump will not try to (1) _______ Roosevelt's record. Trump's views are known; "1 think the handshake is (2)_______ Shaking hands, you catch the flu, you catch this, you catch all sorts of things."

Donald Trump may be right. The more you think about it, the more disgusting the handshake becomes. Although it is a public gesture, a reflexive (3) _______of greeting, the handshake has a clammy dimension of (4) _______. The clamminess is illustrated in principle by the following: a young (5) _______ rushed up to James Joyce and asked, "May 1 kiss the hand that wrote Ulysses?” Joyce replied, "No. It did lots of other things, too."

Most of us don't think about it. The handshake is expected and is (6) _______ automatically in a ritual little babble of nicetomeetyouhowdoyoudo? If you had an attack of fastidiousness and refused to shake someone's (7) _______ hand, then the handshake would become an awkwardness and an issue, a refusal being an outright (8)________.

Now that he is almost a candidate, how is the fussy, hygienic Donald to keep his (9) ______ in an election year's orgies of grip-and-grin? Mingling with the (10) ________, he will presumably shake tens of thousands of germy hands. The most graceful (11) ________--- The Hindu namaste (slight bow, hands clasped near the heart as in prayer) --- would not play well in American politics. One (12) ______might be to shake your own hand, brandishing the two-handed clutch in front of your face like a champ while looking the voter in the (13) _______. No. Too much self-congratulation. A politician mustn't (14) _______ his narcissism.

Best not to think about it. Television has taken so much of the physicality — the sheer touch—out of politics that we should (15) _______ the vestigial handshake, the last, fleeting, primitive human contact, flesh to flesh, sweat to sweat, pulse to pulse. A true politician loves shaking hands.

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