课程编号:832 课程名称:语言学及外语教学
1)The definition of language; design features, origin & functions of language; Chomsky’s ideas of language; the definition, and range of linguistics; its relationship with other disciplines; methods and importance of linguistic studies; definition of phonetics; vocal organs; classification of speech sounds; definition of phonology; distinctive sounds; complimentary distribution; distinctive features; minimal pairs; free variation;
2)Traditional grammar; structural linguistics; transformational-generative linguistics; functional linguistics; syllabus design; language learning; error analysis;
3)The Prague school; the London school; American structuralism; Transformational- Generative Grammar; Case Grammar and Generative Semantics;
4)Traditional syntax; structural syntax; immediate constituent analysis; functional syntax; generative syntax; c-command; structure dependency; government and binding; the minimalist program;
5) Semantic triangle; componential analysis; predication analysis; compositionality; logical semantics; speech act theory; conversational implicature; the cooperative principle; post-Gricean developments of conversational implicature;
ESP, SLA, needs analysis, CLT, TBLT, CBI, interlanguage, i+1, qualitative research, quantitative research, bottom-up processing, top-down processing, construct validity, reliability, use, usage, MOOCs, the Flipped Classroom
1.名词解释 20分
2.问答题 30分
3.论述题 30分
4.英译汉 30分
1.问答题 15分
2.论述题 25分
1.Ma Daoshan. An Introduction to Linguistics, 汕头:汕头大学出版社,2018年5月
王蔷.英语教学法教程(第二版),北京: 高等教育出版社,2006年5月