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责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-11-20 17:58:15
s fails to encourage green investment.

  One of America's most admirable characteristics is its belief that it has a duty of moral leadership. At present, however, it's not doing too well on that score. Global warming could change that. By tackling the issue now it could regain the high moral ground (at the same time forging ahead in the clean-energy business, which Europe might otherwise dominate). And it looks as though it will; for even if the Toxic Texan continues to evade the issue, his successor will grasp it.

 (1)It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.

  [A]America is busy dealing with the Iraq war and the Guantánamo Bay prisoners

  [B]America is interested in stem-cell research

  [C]America despises the global climate-change deal

  [D]America declines to sign the Kyoto protocol

  (2)"Dig one's heels in" in the second paragraph means _______.

  [A]improve by pressure

  [B]judge by oneself

  [C]refuse to change one's mind

  [D]pay more attention to

  (3)Which is NOT the reason that causes the corporate America to change its mind over carbon

  controls ? ________.

  [A]The state regulations are getting strict

  [B]There is an opportunity to profit from new technologies

  [C]Some competitors approve of carbon controls

  [D]The loudest voices are supporting carbon controls

  (4)According to the author, which is NOT a practicable way to reduce carbon emissions in America? _______.

  [A]Imposition of a carbon tax

  [B]Establishment of a cap-and-trade system

  [C]Permission to buy and sell permits to pollute

  [D]Setting a price on carbon

  (5)Because of the Americans' distaste for tax, the author suggests that all of the following should be done EXCEPT that ________.

  [A]a suitable number of permits be offered

  [B]the price for the permits be set

  [C]carbon emissions be tackled in a long-term view

  [D]carbon emissions be loosened after 2012

  (6)The polluters' "windfall profits" (para. 8) stands for _______.

  [A]the privilege granted by the permits

  [B]the unexpected lucky gain from the permits

  [C]the financial support from the federal government

  [D]the illegal interests made by the polluters

  CGap Filling (14 points).

  Please choose the best sentence from the list after the passage to fill in each of the gaps in the text. There are more sentences than gaps.

  Truths to live by

  The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. (18)____________________. The rabbis of old put it this way: "A man comes into this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open."

  (19)_______________. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glanc

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