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责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-7-16 17:01:09


  Exercise: Choose the most appropriate choice for each italicized word in the following sentences.

  1.Bidding them adieu we departed.

  [A] goodbye[B] curse[C] blessing[D] disguise

  2.The government appointed an ad hoc committee to deal with the emergency.

  [A] on purpose[B] unintentionally[C] for a particular purpose only[D] randomly

  3. Late again, Richard? What’s your alibi this time?

  [A] explanation[B] excuse[C] complaint[D] indignation

  4. Sarah used to work as an ambassdor’s attaché.

  [A] member of a staff with a particular responsibility

  [B] leader of a special committee

  [C] secret agent working for a special agency

  [D] guardian of morals

  5. Your statement “They have been walking all day long and they must be hungry” may be a priori one because they may well not feel hungry in the least.

  [A] reasonable[B] false[C] presupposed[D] irrational

  6. It’s a pity that his ten-year-old child is still unable to speak. He may be suffering from aphasia.

  [A]grievance[B] loss of speech[C] loss of hearing[D] failure to communicate

  7. At the end of the prayer the choir sang the amens beautifully.

  [A]may it be so[B]whatever it may come[C] believe it or not [D] rain or shine

  8. The returning alumni visited Beijing University from which they graduated 30 years ago.

  [A] male former graduates[B] female former graduates

  [C]former actors [D] former actresses

  9. I will never forget my Alma Mater where I spent four golden years of my college life.

  [A] hometown[B] college[C] church[D] motherland

  10. Could you check the almanac on the wall to confirm what date today is?

  [A] calendar[B] newspaper[C] periodical[D] clock

  11. They got the information from the affiche on the wall.

  [A] poster[B] bulletin[C] gallows[D] platform

  12. Before the court opens a witness usually swears an affidavit.

  [A]promise[B] written statement[C] will[D] compromise

  13. The speaker made it a point to keep his speech ad rem.

  [A] to the point[B] far from the point[C] beside the point[D]incorrectly

  14. I had forgotten to bring my notes and had to speak ad lib.

  [A] with preparation[B] with ease[C]without preparation[D] willingly

  15. It is a secret kept only a deux the two girls.

  [A] between[B] among[C] during[D] conerning

  16. I am starved to death. Could you tell me where the buffet is located on the train?

  [A]food counter[B] shop[C] market[D] bank

  17. Take no notice of his threats----they are sheer bravado.

  [A] timidity[B] false boldness[C] courage[D] capability

  18. The Renaissance first started in Italy and then spread to other parts of Europe.

  [A] rebirth[B] death[C] literary[D] agrarian

  19. The bourgeoise is the mainstream of Uropean countries.

  [A] upper class[B] lower class[C] middle class[D]poverty-stricken people

  20. Our address is 121 Granger Boulevard.

  [A] district[B] main street[C] downtown[D] sidewalk



  1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B


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