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责任编辑:billlee322  作者:佚名  来源:转自网络   更新时间:2008-11-20 18:09:57

  I. Grammar (25)

  1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. (15 )

  Dear Tracy

  I just (1)(hear) that my grandmother isn't very well, and I (2)_(like) to go and see her.The trouble(3) (be) I can't take my cat Tony with me. You (4)_(think) you (5)_(be able to) possibly look after him for a week? You (6)(have) him for a week last month, you (7) (remember), and you (8) (say) he (9)(be) no trouble, and (10)(get) on well with your dog. If you can have him, I (11)(bring) enough cat food to last him a week. If it isn't convenient, (12)(not hesitate) to say so. My next door neighbor is a very kind lady, and she (13)(take) Tony if I ask her. Tony (14) (be)there once before and (15)(seem) to get on all right.

  II. Vocabulary(25)

  1. Place the correct word or phrase from the given list in each of the blanks below. (10 )

  obsequiousness, jeopardize, futility, indulgent, flew into a tantrum,

  innate, flustered, version, altruism, submissive;

  (21) Although it is true that a good employee should be respectful and helpful, Harry's extreme____ makes us uncomfortable.

  (22)John becomes______easily these days. Merely by asking him a simple question you can confuse him.

  (23) Some people believe that modern parents today are far too______of their children.

  (24)The judge told us not to be impatient; after the other man told his story, we could tell our____of what had happened.

  (25) Mary had been working so hard that she decided to take a vacation, even though She knew she

  Might_____her chances of doing well on the upcoming exam.

  (26)When the little boy was told to go to bed, he_____, His mother had to carry him, kicking and screaming, into the house.

  (27)"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride," is an old saying which emphasizes the______of dreaming about unrealistic good fortune.

  (28)Some scientists believe that the ability to learn a language is_____rather than learned.

  (29)My professor always advised me, "Be firm but not aggressive; be polite but not______."

  (30)______ is encouraged by many religions in the West. Some even suggest that a certain percent of one's income be given to the poor.

 III. Reading skills. (45)

  Text 2

  In real life, a snatch of dialogue (How are you?, Fine, thanks) takes place so quickly that it is easy to forget the complexity of the neurological planning and execution involved in the process. Any model of the production and comprehension of language - whether spoken, written, or signed -involves several steps, each of which must have some kind of neural representation. Neurological models of language attempt to delineate what these steps are and how they interrelate.

  In speech production, for example, an initial intention to communicate is followed (or perhaps accompanied) by some kind of conceptualization of the message. There has also to be a point at which this conceptualization is encoded into the semantic and syntactic structure of the language used by the speaker (though it is not clear how far this stage can be separated from the preceding one). If the structure is to be spoken, it must be given some sort of phonological representation (e.g. as syllables, phonemes, or distinctive features). A motor-control programme must then be used to coordinate the multiplicity of Signals that have to be sent to the appropriate muscles controlling the different parts of the vocal tract. While this activity takes place, it is being constantly self-monitored: feedback is being received from the ear, from the sense of touch, and from the internal sensations generated by the movement of parts of the body. Other kinds of internal monitoring, at 'higher' levels, may also take place. An analogous sequence of events would be involved if the structure were to be written or signed.

  The nature of neurolinguistic programmes has attracted a great deal of research in recent years, especially in relation to speech production. It is evident, for example, that the brain does not issue motor commands one segment at a time. A word such as soup is not neurologically transmitted as three separate steps - [s] + [u] + [p]. The articulation of [s] is lip-rounded, under the influence of the following vowel, which shows that the brain must be 'scanning ahead' while issuing commands for particular segments (coarticulation). When we consider the whole range of factors that affect the timing of speech events (such as breathing rate, the movement and coordination of the articulators, the onset of vocal-fold vibration, the location of stress, and the placement and duration of pauses), it is evident that a highly sophisticated control system must be employed, otherwise speech would degenerate into an erratic, disorganized

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