这三门科目,笔者本人备考的时候用的是由天津考研网主编的《南开大学翻译硕士专业(211翻译硕士英语 357英语翻译基础+448汉语写作与百科知识)考研红宝书》。一本书集齐了三个科目的内容,很是便利,哈哈!!!资料中包括的真题方面内容有:南开大学翻译硕士英语、英语翻译基础、汉语写作与百科知识2010-2016年考研真题;南开大学翻译硕士英语、英语翻译基础、汉语写作与百科知识2010-2016年考研试题参考答案;南开大学翻译硕士英语、英语翻译基础、汉语写作与百科知识2010-2016年考研真题解析(其中2013-2016年为综合解析,其他按年份解析),“南开大学翻译硕士英语考研真题解析(答案+讲解视频)”。下面是从资料中摘抄的南开大学翻译硕士2016年考研试题参考答案,以供参考:
Is it worthwhile to sacrifice one s love and curiosity of learning for achievement?
Is it worthwhile to sacrifice one s love and curiosity of learning for achievement?
Most parents will prepare their children to get good quality education not only to share personality but also to share their future.However,children commonly find something interesting in the middle of their education progress.It is called as hobby.Some of popular hobbies are music,painting,writing,soccer,and many more.Commonly the hobbies are related with non academic filed such as art and sport Most parents say that hobby is not promising.therefore they force their children to accelerate the academic achievement rather ……